Tuesday 11 October 2016

'London' - William Blake


The BBC Bitesize page has an impressive analysis of 'London' by William Blake.  Particularly, make sure you see the video which juxtaposes images of London in the Georgian era with a reading of the poem.  Your understanding of the poem relies on a sound understanding of the context it is set in.

Read about the context of the poem and under no circumstances call it a Victorian poem.  Because it wasn't.  It was written in 1794 and Queen Victoria did not reign until 1837.

George III was followed by George IV Who was followed by William IV and then Queen Victoria.  So to call Blake's work Victorian is three monarchs out!


For something a little more advanced go to the above link.  Here you can see the original, handwritten version of the poem and read about how Blake made alterations to the poem as he was composing it.  It is a fascinating insight into Blake's writing process and worthy of the attention of anyone aiming for a top grade!

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